Univ.-Ass. Hande Özkayagan Prändl, LL.M., LL.B., BA
University Assistant
Schenkenstraße 4/2nd floor
1010 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-34207
E: hande.oezkayagan.praendl@univie.ac.at
Consultation Hour
To make an appointment, please contact me via e-mail.
Research Focus
Hande Özkayagan Prändl is a prae-doc assistant at our department. Before joining the Department, she completed an LL.M. in European and International Business Law at Leiden University, later working as a legal coordinator for mainly trademark cases at Clarivate`s Darts-ip, a legal tech company providing intellectual property case law solutions. Hande is intrigued by discussions regarding the standards to regulate digital platforms and user-generated content online, integrating particularly fundamental rights and intellectual property law perspectives. She is also curious to explore the impacts of digitalisation and new technologies on shaping intellectual property law.