
©: v.l.n.r.: Unviersität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Universität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Unviersität Wien/ Georg Herder


Contributions by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó, Theresa Henne, LL.M., BA, Emily Johnson, CSc. Iana Kazeeva, LL.B., LL.M. and MMMag. Dr. Steindl...


Christiane Wendehorst will speak at the meeting of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)'s Data Protection Officers (DPOs) Group in Geneva on 15 June...


Wendehorst will present the project, where she is leading the Project Steering Group, at the Data Governance Working Group Convening organised by the...


Christiane Wendehorst, as a member of the American Law Institute, has been invited to participate in the special conference on the 100th anniversary...


Eisenberger/Merli: Artificial intelligence in public administration: examples from practice, issues, proposed regulations


Christiane Wendehorst, together with Mark Geistfeld, Ernst Karner and Bernhard Koch, has published the book “Civil Liability for Artificial...


Iris Eisenberger discussed possibilities and limitations of Artificial Intelligence at the “Rechtspanorama am Juridicum” on May 15, 2023.


Maria Bertel (University of Graz), Iris Eisenberger (University of Vienna) and Brigitta Lurger (University of Graz) introduce Energy Citizenship as an...


Recently, UNCITRAL discussed issues related to data provision contracts and the use of artificial intelligence and automation in contracting, which...


Christiane Wendehorst will speak at the Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck about the idea and the possibilities of direct claim against...


How are the Digital Services Act, China’s Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising and initiatives in the US tackling issues of...


What are the visions of a 'good digital future' in different cultures?

What are the views of lay people in relation to digitalisation? How do...


Christiane Wendehorst will speak at a workshop focusing on the importance of promoting more responsible and efficient sharing of AI data and models to...

26.04.2023 18:00

On Wednesday, 26 April, 2023, 6:00 pm the Viennese Law Salon will open its doors for the second time. Professor Roger Brownsword will speak on “Law’s...


A pioneering new EU4Health project has launched under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which will facilitate implementation of lung cancerscreening...


Professor Iris Eisenberger held a talk at the Wiener Juristische Gesellschaft on March 22, 2023.


Smart Regulation: Theory- and evidence-based politics, edited by Matthias Wendland, Iris Eisenberger and Rainer Niemann


We’re looking for a student to support us in organising the course “Juristische Recherche” for 10 hours per week.


An interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship: Integrating psychological, legal, and economic perspectives on a citizen-centred sustainable...


Meeting on IT law with Kyoto University, Graduate School of Law

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, University of Vienna, held a hybrid meeting on IT law with Kyoto University, Graduate School...


In February, the Institute for Law and Technology of Masaryk University visited us as part of a two-day study visit on the topic of "Intellectual...


We are happy to announce that from the 31.1 to the 1.2.2023 the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law will receive colleagues from the...


A Comparative Report through the Lens of Parliamentary Practice.


On 11 January 2023, Professor Iris Eisenberger is giving a talk on interdisciplinary aspects of legal research as part of the Responsible Robotics...


We are proud to announce that the third annual conference Young Digital Law will take place from the 5th to the 7th of July 2023 at the University of...


Eva Korenjak and Mariana Rissetto participating in Kick-Off Meeting and discussing legal aspects in the combination of new technologies applied to...


Am 07.12.2022 findet die erste Socratics Session des Wintersemesters 2022/2023 statt.


09.11.2022 09:00

#IDLaw2022 will kick off on November 9 at 9 am! Come join us online for an exciting line-up of speakers to discuss together the protection of...


New publication by Thomas Buocz and Iris Eisenberger in the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies.


Iris Eisenberger, Albert Steiner and Sophia Witz legally analysing the development of exciting new technologies.


On July 7th, a Greek Delegation from the Public Administrative Court in Athens visited the Juridicum.


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...


On June 24th, Professor Iris Eisenberger will hold a talk on “Rules in transition: Law & Innovation” as part of the conference “The European Market...


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...


Thinking of studying abroad and interested in Japan? Second round of applications are open until 15 May 2022 for an exchange with Kyushu University!


For a second time, today the KYUDAI and ID held an online workshop aiming to explore topics of relevance in Japan and Europe and exchange views on...


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...


On the 14th and 15th of October 2021 a Kick-off Meeting (KoM) took place regarding the Horizon 2020 ODYSSEUS Project. More than 30 representatives of...


Iris Eisenberger is a Professor for Innovation and Public Law at the Institute for Innovation and Digitalisation in Law with March 2, 2022 on. Her...


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different...