New publication!


The Conference Volume of the 12. Tagung der österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten des Öffentlichen Rechts (ÖAT) at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna has been published!

Weder schwarz noch weiß: Grauzonen im Öffentlichen Recht, edited by Marielle Domig, Tobias Fädler, Roman Friedrich, Johannes Igler, Paul Karner, Bernadette Prinz, Manja Seebacher, Sophie Semmler, Sophie Wittich und Sophia Witz.


Law has always contained grey areas that challenge jurisprudence. Technological as well as societal progress and the questions it raises additionally contribute to the emergence of new grey areas in law. On 6 and 7 October 2022, the 12. Tagung der österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten des Öffentlichen Rechts (ÖAT) took place on this topic at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna. The conference focused on the question of how legal scholars should deal with grey areas. The ten speakers addressed grey areas in connection with environmental and climate law, administrative instruments, fundamental rights in an interconnected world as well as parliamentarism and legal protection. The conference proceedings now set out all the answers and approaches that were discussed during the conference.

The volume was published in June 2023 by Jan Sramek Verlag: Jan Sramek Verlag, Weder schwarz noch weiß: Grauzonen im Öffentlichen Recht.