Teaching overview WS22/23


030031 VO Digital Law
4 Hours, 8 ECTS
Nikolaus Forgó and Iris Eisenberger

051019 VO IT and Law
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Nikolaus Forgó with Tima Anwana, Katarzyna BarudLukas FaymannPeter HübelbauerBoris KandovHande Özkayagan PrändlFilip PaspaljMariana Alicia Rissetto and Elisabeth Steindl



030103 PUE Exercise in Digital Law
2 Hours, 4 ECTS
Magdalena Nemeth, Iana Kazeeva and Elisabeth Steindl



030040 KU Legal Research
2 Hours, 2 ECTS
Nikolaus Forgó

030113 KU Art Law Clinic
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Nikolaus Forgó with Lukas FaymannIana KazeevaHande Özkayagan Prändl and Filip Paspalj

030662 KU Crypto-Assets in European financial markets law: Basics and practical examples (2022W)
1 Hours, 2 ECTS
Ralph Rirsch and Stefan Tomanek

030598 KU Data Protection Law in Practice - Preparation for the Data Protection Moot Court (fremdsprachig)
2 Hours, 1 ECTS
Lukas FaymannAnnemarie HoferMariana Alicia RissettoMarie-Catherine Wagner

030384 KU IT Agreements
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Iana Kazeeva

030114 KU Literature Circle "Law, Innovation and Society"
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Iris Eisenberger

030258 KU Coding for Lawyers
1 Hours, 2 ECTS
Victoria Abplanalp with Kaspar Lebloch

030597 KU Artificial Intelligence and Law – Guest Lecture by Lawyer Michael Friedmann
2 Hours, 3 ECTS 
Nikolaus Forgó with Michael Friedmann

030608 KU Privacy4Kids
2 Hours, 4 ECTS
Nikolaus ForgóMariana Alicia RissettoMarie-Catherine Wagner

380036 KU Privatissimum "Innovation and Public Law"
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Iris Eisenberger

030587 KU Software Law
2 Hours, 3 ECTS
Ziga Skorjanc



030115 SE Seminar for Doctoral Students ("Socratics")
2 Hours, 6 ECTS
Iris Eisenberger

030250 SE Diploma and LLB Seminar: Attention Economy: From a Legal Perspective
2 Hours, 4 ECTS
Iris Eisenberger and Nikolaus Forgó

380023 SE Seminar for graduate students: Current IT-Law Problems
2 Hours, 6 ECTS
Nikolaus Forgó