Smart FOX

Smart FOX lays the foundations to enable citizens to donate data from ELGA-standardized information and to make it usable for health research. Through the active participation of citizens, who will be able to make their health data available for research purposes in the future, the project paves the way for more efficient clinical research, improved healthcare, and optimized system control in the healthcare sector. 19 partners from all areas of Austrian healthcare, research, and industry form the backbone of this interdisciplinary undertaking.

The University of Vienna team addresses the legal questions surrounding the secondary use of health data, in particular data protection and intellectual property aspects and new EU digital legislation, such as the Data Governance Act. As part of this, the University of Vienna organizes a series of learning clubs to promote the exchange with project partners and disseminate research results.

Experts of the Department working on this project:


The Smart FOX project is funded by the Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft FFG (FFG funding number: 907741)