Study on the effects of EU legislation on Austrian universities (SERA)

The SERA project examines the (in)direct effects of selected EU digitalization legislation on Austrian universities. The SERA project is commissioned by the Forum for Digitalization of the Austrian University Conference (uniko) and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

The project was launched on September 1, 2024 and is scheduled to run for 24 months. 

The first step is to screen and prioritize EU legal acts in terms of their relevance for Austrian universities. The relevance of a legal act is measured, among other things, by the expected effort required to adapt to it and the risks of non-compliance. The (early) identification of an immediate need for action also leads to a higher relevance. This focus forms the basis for the subsequent in-depth analysis. The legal risks identified and any immediate requirements for action are documented in an interim report.

In a later step (after one year), an analysis will be made of the extent to which the European legislator has launched new legislative initiatives since the start of the project that could be of comparable relevance to Austrian universities.

Finally, the final report provides a detailed overview of the legal, economic and other effects of the above-mentioned EU legislation on Austrian universities and identifies the corresponding need for action. The final report is then discussed with the “Reflection Group of the Digitalization Forum”, which consists of representatives from the Medical University of Innsbruck, the University of Graz, the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the University for Continuing Education Krems.


Experts of the Department working on this project:
