Detailansicht Publikationen NF
Ars Boni 544 Facial recognition in law enforcement under EU legislation
- Autor(en)
- Nikolaus Forgó, Gizem Gültekin-Várkonyi
- Abstrakt
We speak with Dr. Gizem Gültekin-Várkonyi, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Szeged, Hungary. The topic deals with the interplay of GDPR, law enforcement directive, AI act and other legilsation and recent developments in law enforcement. Gültekin-Várkony authored an article on the matter recently.
- Organisation(en)
- Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht, Forschungsplattform Governance of digital practices
- Publikationsdatum
- 12-2024
- ÖFOS 2012
- 505039 Medienrecht, 505023 Strafprozessrecht, 505002 Datenschutz
- Schlagwörter
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG 16 – Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
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