Detailansicht Publikationen NF
Ars Boni 522 Telegram and Pavel Durov under French Law
- Autor(en)
- Nikolaus Forgó, Clara Saillant
- Abstrakt
We speak with Clara Saillant. Clara is a French lawyer, working as researrch associate at the deparrtment of innobation and digitalisation in law. We speak about the detention of Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder and CEO, under French law.
- Organisation(en)
- Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht, Forschungsplattform Governance of digital practices
- Publikationsdatum
- 09-2024
- ÖFOS 2012
- 505039 Medienrecht, 505023 Strafprozessrecht, 505017 Rechtsvergleichung, 505024 Strafrecht
- Schlagwörter
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG 16 – Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen
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