AI-based PLanning and monitoring of buildings: towards Data sovereignty (“plAIdata”) is an Austrian research project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The project aims to develop tools for the generation of synthetic data and to conduct research into semi-automatic and data-efficient annotation of real data. Research will be conducted following two use cases: interior planning and tunnel construction and maintenance.
The application of AI has large potential of facilitating documenting and monitoring in these fields, however, major relevant datasets for training AI models for these purposes originate from outside the EU and the conditions under which they were captured are not transparent. This leads both to legal and commercial challenges when relying on these datasets for training purposes. Consequently, the use of synthetically generated datasets is a prerequisite to leverage the benefits of AI-based methods in this domain for European companies and could greatly facilitate European technological sovereignty.
The project’s consortium is headed by Joanneum Research which contributes their expertise in developing and deploying AI-based methods in computer vision applications. Additionally, xCAD is focusing on the use case of interior planning while Dibit brings in expertise in tunnel construction and maintenance.
The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law will analyse the project’s legal framework with a special focus on the legal nature of synthetic data and the free flow of non-personal data. First, this ensures compliance of the project with relevant legislation. Furthermore, through dissemination of the results of our research, Austrian companies shall be enabled to use such datasets in conformity with relevant legislation.
More information on the project can be found here and in u:cris.
Experts of the Department working on this project:
- Forgó, Nikolaus (Project Lead)
- Wimmer, Martina (Admin)
- Schmidbauer, Michael (Scientific Project Staff)
- Kandov, Boris (Scientific Project Staff)