Since its founding in 2013, has developed a highly collaborative biobanking community by engaging with all Medical Universities in Austria. took great effort in enlarging the visibility and usage of leading Austrian biobank cohorts. In its third project period (2023-2028), will build on achievements of previous years. will continue to put emphasis on sample and data quality and harmonization, facilitating access to biobank samples/data, networking with industry and science, and fostering research collaborations using biobanked samples/data and expertise. Also engaging different stakeholders, such as researchers, clinicians, and citizens, will constitute important activities of and its partners. In addition, new topics with current relevance for biobanking are in focus. These include the One Health approach and comparative medicine (human – animal), data integration in BBMRI-ERIC, data-related legal/regulatory issues, and environmental sustainability in biobanking.
For Goals and Key Activities click here.
The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law hosts and operates a national legal help desk, monitors legal and regulatory developments and provides input to current legal discussions. Additionally, this is envisioned to help BBMRI and BBMRI-ERICto establish their position in further legal frameworks.
More information on the project can be found here and in u:cris.
Experts of the Department working on this project:
- Forgó, Nikolaus (Project Lead)
- Wimmer, Martina (Admin)
- Barud, Katarzyna (Scientific Project Staff)
- Almeida, Catarina (Scientific Project Staff)
- Kwiatkowska, Klaudia (Scientific Project Staff)