
©: v.l.n.r.: Unviersität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Universität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Unviersität Wien/ Georg Herder


Christiane Wendehorst discussed the regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Europe together with Kilian Gross and Malgorzata Steiner at the 14th...


It was astonishing to see what is possible in only three days, if bright young minds are given the right conditions to develop their own ideas.


UNIVIE is proud to participate in the project, a cutting-edge Austrian funded project focused on building on a – “visible, essential and...


Nikolaus Forgó and Christiane Wendehorst at the ÖAMTC Compliance Day 2024


Christiane Wendehorst discussed the impact of digital services on our understanding of democracy with other renowned experts as part of an event...


On 11 April 2024, Christiane Wendehorst gave a presentation on the topic of "Proprietary Interests in Digital Assets and the Conflict of Laws".


The Federal Ministry for Internal Affairs organised an event on Monday, 08.04.2024 on the opportunities and risks of using AI for the Ministry.


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law is organising the Legal Design Sprint in cooperation with Arbeiterkammer Wien from 23-25 May...


At the 21st Austrian Jurists' Conference 2022 in Vienna, lawyers from all professions came together to discuss fundamental but also specific questions...


Prof. Dr. Yvonne Tew will give a lecture on Tuesday, 12.03.2024, 6:00 p.m. in Room L619, 6th floor, Faculty of Law, Sigmund Freud University...


The Chair of Prof. Dr Christiane Wendehorst, LL.M. is looking to fill two positions as a university assistant ("pre-doc") or alternatively one...


Christiane Wendehorst will be part of a penal discussion on 28 February 2024 on the topic of "Ethics and Politics".


Christiane Wendehorst will join the podium on 27 February 2024 starting at 13:00 to discuss the digital transformation.


A new book by Iana Kazeeva which discusses the possible future developments of sui generis IP regimes has just been published by Springer Law.


Recent advancements in neurotechnologies are sparking global discussions on whether our legal frameworks are still fit for purpose.


The latest publication by Žiga Škorjanc titled "Critical comments on the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive in Austria" has been...


On 29 January 2024, the European Data Protection Day 2024 (“Europäischer Datenschutztag”) took place in Berlin with the topic of "Digital...


What role can Artificial Intelligence play in enhancing democratic transparency and accountability and what are the challenges?


Christiane Wendehorst spoke at the Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy organised by the Universität Münster on 11 January 2024.


Prof. Dr. Martin Selmayr will join the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law as a Professorial Research Fellow for the next six months...


We are looking for an organisational assistant to provide administrative support to our team for 20 hours per week!


We are looking for a student to support the course "KU Juristische Recherche" and to maintain our website for 14 hours per week.


UNIVIE is proud to participate in the PHASE IV AI project, a cutting-edge European project focused on optimizing AI and data analytics in healthcare.


We’re excited to welcome Paola Lopez as research fellow at our department!



Invitation to a webinar on the 5 December 2023 about the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy: New Framework for Innovation and Growth.


We’re excited wo welcome Hannah Romano as a student assistant at our department!


During two days, from November 24th to 25th 2023, the conference brought together experts to discuss and learn about legal and social aspects of...


„ChatGPT: Brauchen wir 2050 noch Jurist:innen?“ This question lies at the core of the latest publication by Prof. Dr. Iris Eisenberger. The article is...


Wendehorst attended this year's Open Data Institute (ODI) Summit.


We’re excited wo welcome Nikolaus Poechhacker as research fellow at our department!


Christiane Wendehorst spoke at the 6th International Forum Computational Law at Tsinghua University.


On the 19 October 2023, Christiane Wendehorst spoke at the #RRR (Regulate, React, Retrieve) conference.


Wendehorst attended the UNCITRAL meetings in Vienna as observer.


New publication by Thomas Buocz, Sebastian Pfotenhauer and Iris Eisenberger in Law, Innovation and Technology


Jon Skerlj; Maximilian Braun; Sophia Witz; Svenja Breuer; Marieke Bak; Sebastian Scholz; Abdeldjallil Naceri; Ruth Müller; Sami Haddadin and Iris...


The 3rd Conference of the Research Network Young Digital Law takes place at Juridicum Vienna from July 5 to 7.


The Conference Volume of the 12. Tagung der österreichischen Assistentinnen und Assistenten des Öffentlichen Rechts (ÖAT) at the Faculty of Law of the...


On 28 June 2023, Sophia Witz and Albert Steiner gave a talk as part of the H2020 project “ETAPAS”.


Elisabeth Steindl has published a contribution to the International Data Privacy Law Journal (IDPL), one of the leading journals for data protection &...

27.06.2023 12:30

On 27 June, Žiga Škorjanc and Florian Werni will hold a talk on “Data protection in legislation and jurisdiction”


On June 26 Iris Eisenberger will hold a talk on “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights”.

26.06.2023 09:00

On June 26 the Parliament offers researchers from various disciplines the opportunity for scientific exchange.