Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó and a number of (inter)national guests, ranging from experts from different fields, our own team members to our students are invited to give us an insight on how Covid-19 affects us.
This month we will start with the following podcast sessions:
- 02. March, Tuesday 10.00 am
with Saskia Kaltenbrunner about "Covid in Spain" (live-stream) - 05. March, Friday 02.00 pm
with Fabian Kalleitner and Carolina Plescia about "Trust in the Austrian government and healthcare system?" (live-stream) - 08. March, Monday 06.00 pm
with Anne Sanders and Martin Groß about "Juristische Prüfungen und Ausbildung in Zeiten von Covid-19" (live-stream) - 11. March, Thursday 06.30 pm
with Karoline Edtstadler "Ars Boni Spezial mit Bundesministerin Edtstadler" (live-stream) - 12. March, Friday 10.00 am
with Anna-Lena Hollo über "Zur Befristung von Covid-19-Normen" (live-stream) - 17. March, Wednesday 06.00 pm
with Oskar Josef Gstrein (University of Groningen), Dimitry Vladimirovich Kochenov (Oxford University), Andrej Zwitter ((University of Groningen) about "A legal perspective on vaccination passports" (live-stream) - 18. March, Thursday 02.00 pm
with Thomas Planinger, Ulrike Zeller und Johannes Kalliauer about "Freie Wissen/Wikipedia im Zuge der Covid-Pandemie" (live-stream) - 19. March, Friday 10.00 am
with Oliver Lepsius (Universität Münster) about "Partizipationsprobleme und Abwägungsdefizite im Umgang mit der Corona-Pandemie" (live-stream) - 22. March, Monday 10.00 am
with Catherine Altobelli and Biagio Distefano about "Update: Legal Impact of Covid19 in Italy" (live-stream) - 25. March, Friday 10.00 am
with Karl Stöger about "Änderungen im Epidemiegesetz und in der sonstigen Covid-19-Rechtslage" (live-stream) - 29. March, Monday 11.00 am
with Bernhard Breunlich about "Juristischer Arbeitsmarkt in Zeiten von Covid-19" (live-stream) - 31. March, Wednesday 11.00 am
with Christiane Spiel about "Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die SchülerInnen" (live-stream) - 01. April, Thursday 02.00 pm
with Claus Lamm about "Stresslevel und Sozialverhalten während der Pandemie" (live-stream)
We are streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app. Subscribe our Youtube-Channel and follow us on spotify and soundcloud and iTunes to be up to date!
Stay tuned!