Podcast Ars Boni - March 2022


Check out the new programme of our podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and the Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different national and international guests, streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó and a number of (inter)national guests, ranging from experts from different fields, our own team members to our students, are invited to give us an insight on how Covid-19 affects us.

In March, we host the following podcast episodes:

  • Tuesday, March 01 at 18:00
    with Iryna Lishchuk, LL.M. about "The Attack on Ukraine: an Ukrainian Legal Perspective" (live-stream)

  • Wednesday, March 02 at 11:00
    with Univ.-Prof. Nils Christian Hoppe about  "Verantwortung und Wissenschaftskommunikation in der Pandemie" (live-stream)

  • Thursday, March 03 at 20:00
    with Univ.-Prof. Matthias Kettemann about "Wie umgehen mit Desinformation zum Angriff auf die Ukraine?" (live-stream)

  • Tuesday, March 08 at 12:00
    with Mag. Jürgen Ephraim Holzinger about "(Keine) Hilfe bei Long-Covid" (live-stream)

  • Wednesday, March 09 at 12:00
    with Dr.in Petra Leupold about "Verbraucherrechtliche Auswirkungen der Pandemie" (live-stream)

  • Thursday, March 10 at 11:00
    with RA Mag.a Carmen Thornton about "Rechtsanwaltliche Arbeit in der Digitalisierung" (live-stream)

  • Thursday, March 10 at 18:00
    with RA Dr.in Maria Windhager (live-stream)

  • Monday, March 14 15:15
    with Univ.-Prof. Karl Stöger about "Wie ist die aktuelle Covid-19 Rechtslage in Österreich?" (live-stream)

  • Tuesday, March 15 at 12:00
    with Dr. Ralph Janik about "Akademisches Engagement" (live-stream)

  • Wednesday, March 16 at 18:30
    with Dr.in Sigrid Pilz about "Patient:innenrechte in der Pandemie" (live-stream)

  • Tuesday, March 22 at 12:00
    with Valerie Doppelbauer and Sophie Weiser about "(Ukraine-)Flüchtlinge in Österreich und die Refugee Law Clinic" (live-stream)

  • Tuesday, March 22 at 18:00
    with Mag. (FH) Georg Kunovjanek MSD, PHD about "Cyberwarfare" (live-stream)

  • Wednesday, March 23 at 11:00
    Ars Boni Special about "Digital Services Act: Europa fighting against Hate on the Internet" (live-stream) with
    • Dr. Lukas Feiler (Baker McKenzie)
    • Katarzyna Barud, LL.M. Eur. (University of Vienna)
    • Dr. Arnd Haller (Google)
    • Dr. Susanne Lackner (KomAustria)
    • Dr. Richárd Rudolf Rák, LL.M. (University of Vienna)

  • Monday, March 28 at 18:00
    with Dr. Stephan Florian Rihs about "Die Bezirkshauptmannschaft in der Pandemie" (live-stream)

  • Tuesday, March 29 at 09:00
    with Univ.-Prof. Karl Stöger about "Wie ist die aktuelle Covid-19 Rechtslage in Österreich?" (live-stream)

  • Thursday, March 31 at 14:00
    with Maarte Preller about "Gerichtliche Anerkennung von Long-Covid als zur Berufsunfähigkeit führende Krankheit" (live-stream)

We are streaming live on YouTube and in your podcast app. Follow us on YouTubeSpotifyAnchor and iTunes, so you don't miss any of our episodes!

Stay tuned!