Iris Eisenberger and Franz Merli have organised a conference on Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration: Examples from Practice, Issues, Proposed Regulations, which took place on 22 April 2022. Several articles published in the latest issue of the Journal für Rechtspolitik (JRP) address this conference.
The article “Automatisierung, Algorithmen und künstliche Intelligenz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Eine Positionsbestimmung” (automatisation, algorithms and artificial intelligence in public administration. A positioning, p. 25-37) by Eisenberger/Merli provides an overview of the conference and the presentations, complemented by further considerations about artificial intelligence and the regulatory options. In an article about automated tax enforcement (p. 38-49), Ehrke-Rabel advocates an intensive, critical reflection on the increasing use of technology in tax enforcement. In an article about observations from abroad: US and Canada (p. 50-59), Dollinger takes an international perspective and analyses the instrument of risk assessment which is at the centre of regulatory efforts in both legal systems. Finally, in the article Artificial Intelligence in Italian Public Administration. Challenges, case studies and regulatory perspectives (p. 60-73), Favaro makes a case for using artificial intelligence in public administration not only as a control instrument to increase efficiency, but also to increasingly harvest its related participatory potential.
Link to the journal:
In addition to the contributions published in the journal, the following academics gave inspiring presentations at the conference on artificial intelligence in public administration: examples from practice, issues, proposed regulations: Wolfgang Vorraber, Institute of Engineering and Business Informatics at TU Graz; Karsten Schulz, Institute of Hydrology and Water Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; Matthias Lichtenthaler, Austrian Federal Computing Center, Vienna; Yordanka Ivanova of the European Commission; as well as Jens-Peter Schneider of the University of Freiburg. You can find the conference programme at the following link: Künstliche Intelligenz in der öffentlichen Verwaltung.