Kick-off: Project 'Evidence2 e-Codex'


On the 7th and 8th March 2018 our team participated at the kick-off meeting of the pre-pilot project 'Evidence2 e-Codex' organised by Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche at Florence, Italy.

The kick-off meeting was attended by 18 consortium partners form 10 EU member states and Switzerland. In the next 21 months the project aims to i.a. examine the legal framework and bring together stakeholders that are keen to implement a secure and trusted form of exchanging digital evidence as well as provide input for creating a legally valid instrument for exchange related to EIO (European Investigation Order) and MLA (mutual legal assistance) procedures over e-CODEX.

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law will support the consortium in all legal matters, in particular regarding data protection and other fundamental rights issues.