ID and KYUDAI Online Workshop Report


The ID and KYUDAI held an online workshop on the 3rd December 2021, whose goal was to introduce relevant and little explored topics of relevance in each jurisdiction and exchange views on their jurisdiction's specific regulation.

On Friday 3rd December the Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, and Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law, Austria, held an online workshop, which allowed the teams to learn from each other’s jurisdiction how the two topics chosen for discussion are being legally addressed.

Prof. Kojima gave insights into his current interdisciplinary research on the Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) while Dr. Steindl presented the European perspective and the latest European regulatory developments on emotion AI.

Following these presentations, the faculty members of KYUDAI and the ID team engaged in deep discussions, concluding the workshop with a satisfactory exchange and open questions.

The successful event encouraged both institutions to start arrangements for the upcoming workshop in the second quarter of 2022.