Completed Projects

Showing entries 1 - 15 out of 15

CD- Laboratory for Machine Learning Driven Precision Imaging

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Hartl, K., Kaltenbrunner, S., Polychronopoulos, E. & Schmidbauer, M.


Project: Research cooperation

Rising awareness about privacy of children in the digital age

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Eberstaller, P., Rissetto, M. A., Wagner, M. & Wünsche, K.


Project: Research funding

Online-Plattformen als Herausforderung für die Rechtsordnung

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Field-Papuga, W., Kandov, B. & Skorjanc, Z.


Project: Research funding

Immerse. Interact. Investigate.

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Henne, T., Johnson, E., Kaltenbrunner, S., Königseder, M., Por, T., Shah, S. Z. H. & Skorjanc, Z.


Project: Research funding

Training on EIO for a better Implementation of the 2014/41 Directive and a smart use of the e-Evidence reference portal for the exchange of Forms and Evidences.

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Altobelli, C., Korenjak Lalovic, E., Polychronopoulos, E., Por, T. & Steindl, E.


Project: Research funding

The Food Safety Market: an SME-powered industrial data platform to boost the competitiveness of European food certification

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Treitler, M., Anwana, T. O., Faymann, L., Hübelbauer, P., Kaltenbrunner, S., Korenjak Lalovic, E., Lucas, S., Özkayagan Prändl, H., Skorjanc, Z. & Steindl, E.


Project: Research funding

Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Altobelli, C., Johnson, E., Napieralski, A., Polychronopoulos, E. & Polychronopoulos, E.


Project: Research funding

Interoperable EHRs at user edge

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Treitler, M., Altobelli, C., Anwana, T. O., Faymann, L., Hübelbauer, P., Polychronopoulos, E., Wagner, M. & Zopf, F.


Project: Research funding

Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Disease

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Hartl, K., Cepic, M., Altobelli, C., Barud, K., Johnson, E., Napieralski, A., Polychronopoulos, E., Rissetto, M. A. & Treitler, M.


Project: Research funding

CONNEXIONs: InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Haimbuchner, K., Altobelli, C., Cepic, M., Johnson, E., Skorjanc, Z., Wagner, M. & Wohlgemuth, M.


Project: Research funding

Study on "Outline: Legal Opinion Art. 11 e-Privacy Regulation"

Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Johnson, E., Minto, A., Napieralski, A., Wagner, M. & Zopf, F.


Project: Contract research


Forgó, N., Wimmer, M., Johnson, E., Minto, A., Rösler, L., Skorjanc, Z. & Wagner, M.


Project: Research funding

Showing entries 1 - 15 out of 15