Module Examination Digital Law
About the examination
Module 7 - Digital Law of the LL.B. programme in International Legal Studies provides you with knowledge on issues related to digitalisation and law. On the one hand, the influence of digitalisation on the legal system itself is examined (legal tech). On the other hand, the module provides an introduction to the regulation of digital technologies (IT law).
The module is concluded by a written examination comprising 8 ECTS credits.
A lecture and an exercise serve to prepare students for the exam (see below).
The requirement for the exam for students of the LL.B. programme in International Legal Studies is the completion of the introductory and orientation period (StEOP). According to the recommended study path for the degree programme, you should complete this examination in the 3rd semester. However, if you fulfil the requirements, you can take the examination already before this semester or later.
Exchange students studying at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna within the framework of a mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus+) may also take the examination. Please note the information on registration below.
Examination dates
Winter semester 2024/25
- Wed, 2 October 2024, 18:30
- Wed, 27 November 2024, 18:30
- Wed, 29 January 2025, 18:30
Please note the registration deadlines.
Summer semester 2025
- Wed, 5 March 2025, 18:30
- Wed, 30 April 2025, 18:30
- Wed, 25 June 2025, 18:30
Examination procedure
The module examination is held in written form, online via Moodle on site (computer rooms of the University of Vienna). It takes 90 minutes and is held in English. The examination consists of several multiple choice and open questions.
The examination contains questions from the specified subject areas (see content of the examination). The examination is designed as an open book examination. This means that you may and should use all sources available to you during the examination for research. However, cooperation with third parties is not permitted.
You will receive more information on the exact examination procedure after you have registered via u:space.
Content of the examination
- General legal framework
- Legal tech
- Legal research
- Artificial intelligence and law
- Data protection law
- Platform law
- Intellectual property law
Unless otherwise specified, the examination questions must be answered in accordance with the current legal situation.
Registration for the examination
You must register for the examination independently via u:space. Please note the registration deadlines.
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to take the examination, it is not sufficient that you are registered for the course. You must register separately for the desired exam date via u:space.
Please contact the SSC if you have missed the registration deadline.
Instructions regarding the registration for examinations are available here:
Deregistration from the examination
You may deregister from the examination via u:space up to two days before the examination.
For example: The examination takes place on Tuesday. You may deregister until Sunday 23:59 via u:space.
It is not necessary to give a reason for your deregistration.
PLEASE NOTE: Students who failed to appear at the examination and have not deregistered in due time or who cannot credibly show a legitimate reason for their failure to deregister, will not be assessed and will be excluded from the following examination date.
Preparation for the examination
To prepare for the module examination in Digital Law, the following courses are offered:
- 030031 VO Digital Law - Preparation for the written module examination in the subject "Digital Law" (2025S)
- 030103 PUE Exercise in Digital Law (2025S)
For literature recommendations, please refer to the Moodle course of the VO Digital Law of the last completed semester:
Examination dates June, October and November: VO Digital Law of the summer semester
Examination dates January, March and April/May: VO Digital Law of the winter semester