Welcome to the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law!

The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law was founded in 2017 at the University of Vienna's Law School. We consider the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law as the law school´s link to the digital revolution.

We deal with a wide range of legal questions concerning the modern media and information society that result from the rapid, continuing rise in technological innovations. The Department focuses on information technology and intellectual property law, with a special interest in privacy/data protection and copyright law. Another area of research is e-commerce and consumer protection law from a European and a Comparative Law perspective as well as Legal Tech and innovations in the legal field.

We are convinced that an adequate answer to legal, ethical and social questions arising with the development of technology requires an interdisciplinary approach. Thus we work on a number of multidisciplinary third party funded projects, especially in the areas of health care and law enforcement.

Ars Boni – Corona and the Law with Nikolaus Forgó

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Christiane Wendehorst, together with her team, is organizing an expert workshop on "AI in Contracting" on October 21 and 22, 2024.


On 7 October 2024, Christiane Wendehorst delivered a keynote titled “The AI Act – Practical Consumer Protection?” at the event “AI and Consumer...


The 74th German Jurists Forum (DJT), which is the largest legal policy congress in Europe, took place from 25 to 27 September 2024 in Stuttgart....


14.07.2023 10:30

Who Should Govern Technoscience? Perspectives and Insights from Science and Technology Studies


09.06.2023 14:00

Distinguished Guest Lecture by Professor Christopher Kuner at the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law

26.04.2023 18:00

On Wednesday, 26 April, 2023, 6:00 pm the Viennese Law Salon will open its doors for the second time. Professor Roger Brownsword will speak on “Law’s...