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The Challenge of Online Platform Liability in the Age of Web 2.0 Pan-Atlantic Comparisons

William Field-Papuga

More than 20 years after its enactment, the eCommerce Directive is due for a major reconsideration under the proposed Digital Services Act, which was published in December 2020. This proposal comes amidst a growing awareness within the European Union about the ability of online platforms, particularly those of a large scale, to spread and amplify illegal and harmful content. This has led to fundamental change in the policy positions, with a greater emphasis now placed on the goal of promoting online safety. Furthermore, while the goal of creating a conducive legal environment for the growth of these services remains constant, there is no longer the same perceived need to protect a nascent industry. As such, now is a critical time to assess the continued relevance of the eCommerce Directive’s liability exemptions in a changing digital landscape in Europe.

This research paper intends to provide comprehensive analysis of the eCommerce Directive liability exemptions. It will answer the following research questions:
• How has the eCommerce Directive progressed beyond its strict textual limitations over the past 20 years?
• What are some of its most commonly cited shortcomings?
• How does it compare to similar legislation in the United States? Which model may be regarded as preferable?
• What are the common trends observed in both jurisdictions regarding online platform liability?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages in the continued use of the eCommerce Directive liability exemptions?
• What recommendations can be put forward regarding the proposed Digital Services Act?

Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung im Recht
Anzahl der Seiten
ÖFOS 2012
505002 Datenschutz, 505006 Grundrechte, 505013 Privatrecht, 505003 Europarecht
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