Prof. Dr. Martin Selmayr
Professorial Guest Researcher
Schenkenstraße 4/2nd floor
1010 Vienna
Consultation Hour
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Research Focus
During his stay as Professorial Guest Researcher for European Union Law at the Department for Innovation and Digitalisation in Law at the University of Vienna (February to August 2024) Professor Dr. Martin Selmayr has chosen three main research topics to which he will dedicate lectures, seminars, academic talks and publications:
1. Current issues of EU Digital Law
What is the main content of the new EU Digital Acts (Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, Data Act, Data Governance Act, AI Act) and how do they relate to the General Data Protection Regulation?
2. Current issues of EU Sustainability Law
What is the main content of the new EU legal acts adopted under the EU Green Deal and the „Fit for 55“-package? How do these EU legal acts implement obligations accepted by the EU and its Member States under public international law? In which way do the new EU legal acts promote sustainable finance? To which extent are national “sovereignty reserves” in the field of energy policy (cf. Article 194 paragraph 2 subparagraph2 TFEU) still relevant?
3. Current issues of EU financial, monetary and central banking law?
How has the division of labour between the European Central Bank and the national central banks within the Eurosystem evolved in the 25 years since the introduction of the euro? To which extent is the ECB allowed and obliged to take account of sustainability issues in its monetary policy? What are the legal implications of the euro and of the EU cash regulation? What are the legal obligations and the discretion of Member States in securing an adequate supply of cash?
Curriculum Vitae
List of publications
- 030250 SE Diploma and LLB Seminar: Innovation and Digitalisation in Law
- 030562 KU Directly from Brussels: Current topics of European Law
Copyright: European Commission