Presentations Marian Alicia Rissetto, LLM
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8
EU Funded Project privacy4kids - Hass im Netz
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Kinderuni 2022
Talk or oral contribution
12.7.2022 - 12.7.2022
Podiumsdiskussion: Digitale Grundrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen (13. Juni)
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Marie-Catherine Wagner
Podiumsdiskussion: Digitale Grundrechte von Kindern und Jugendlichen
Panel discussion, round table,
Talk or oral contribution
13.6.2022 - 13.6.2022
EU Funded Project: privacy4kids
Marie-Catherine Wagner
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Research Colloquium: Prof. Hören and Prof. Forgó
Lecture series, colloquium,
Talk or oral contribution
8.6.2022 - 8.6.2022
EU Funded Project privacy4kids: Project and Course Factsheet
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Marie-Catherine Wagner
Talk or oral contribution
5.4.2022 - 5.4.2022
Ars Aequi Series 06 – Episode 03 – The Virtual Brain Cloud
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Talk or oral contribution
27.8.2021 - 27.8.2021
History of GDPR and Data Subject Rights on the RWE
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Talk or oral contribution
5.12.2019 - 5.12.2019
TheVirtualBrainCloud Project: Personalized Recommendations for Neurodegenerative Diseases - Open challenges on the legal and ethical front
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Talk or oral contribution
3.9.2019 - 3.9.2019
The European legislation on data protection and its implications on health research and data sharing
Mariana Alicia Rissetto
Talk or oral contribution
26.6.2019 - 26.6.2019
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8