Tracing Ethical and Social Aspects of AI-Based Transformations in Healthcare Work and Knowledge Environments

Funding: Bayerisches Institut für Digitale Transformation (bidt) der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Themenschwerpunkt „Forschung zu Wirtschaft und Arbeit“ – Mensch und Maschine: Wege zu einer neuen Arbeitsteilung


RR-AI seeks to

1) empirically study the social and ethical and legal dimensions of two novel AI-based technologies – a service robot named GARMI, and a smart arm exoprosthesis – as they are being developed and implemented in healthcare practice;

2) develop a practical toolbox for future interdisciplinary AI innovation, as well as concrete standards and recommendations for responsible integration of embodied AI into healthcare work practice and training;

3) experimentally test these tools and recommendations through interdisciplinary co-creation and work-place integration of embodied AI applications.

The project takes an innovative “embedded” approach, whereby ethical, social, legal and political analyses constitute integral elements of an AI product design process as well as its work place integration. Project results will be discussed with stakeholders, pilot-tested and disseminated widely.

The project is part of the transdisciplinary consortiumDigitalization”, which explores questions of the digital transition in economy and work, politics and society, as well as media and public communication. The consortium is funded by the Bavarian Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Within the consortium, the project “Responsible Robotics” is part of the initiative “economy and work”.


Involved institutions

TU Munich (Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx, Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin, Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller)