Professor Iris Eisenberger and her team are involved in various research projects in the field of innovation, law, and digitalization. The following list shows some of the recent and finished projects. If you need further information on one of the projects, please do not hesitate to contact us via

Ongoing Projects



Comparative Covid Response

Funding: National Science FoundationDIGrenz



Potentials and borders of digitalization within asylum procedures

Funding: University of Graz


EC² (H2020)

Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean-Energy Transition

Funding: European Commission



Development of an intelligent automated emergency call and query system for crisis situations.

Funding: FFG / KIRAS



Completed Projects


ETAPAS (H2020)

Ethical Technology Adaption in Public Administration Services

Funding: European Commission



Legal requirements for statistical modelling

Funding: Land Steiermark



Scaling up Co-creation: Pathways and challenges for socially robust innovation in Europe

Funding: European Commission



Responsible Robotics – Tracing Ethical and Social Aspects of AI-Based Transformations in Healthcare Work and Knowledge Environments

Funding: Bayerisches Institut für Digitale Transformation (bidt) der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; Themenschwerpunkt „Forschung zu Wirtschaft und Arbeit“ – Mensch und Maschine: Wege zu einer neuen Arbeitsteilung