Registration for the event "Round-Table Discussion: AI Act Implementation in the Health Sector - Challenges and Opportunities" on the 13. March 2025

The event will take place on 13. March 2025 from 3 p.m. CET Further information regarding the program can be found on our website.

Informed consent to the processing of personal data. Please read this form carefully and tick the boxes below accordingly.

Required fields are marked with a red square
Round-Table Discussion: AI Act Implementation in the Health Sector - Challenges and Opportunities
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This field is required: Last Name
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This field is required: First Name
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This field is required: e-Mail
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This field is required: Associated institution
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This field is required: Related Project
I will join in person/online
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This field is required: I will join in person/online
Consent to data processing and video/audio recording and pictures
I have received, read, and understood the Data Protection Information Sheet and the Informed Consent for Video Recording, pictures being taken
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This field is required: I have received, read, and understood the Data Protection Information Sheet and the Informed Consent for Video Recording, pictures being taken
I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to video record the Event and review the video file(s)
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This field is required: I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to video record the Event and review the video file(s)
I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to share the video recording, pictures and transcript of the Event with relevant members of the KATY consortium for the project´s research, dissemination, and communication purposes
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This field is required: I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to share the video recording, pictures and transcript of the Event with relevant members of the KATY consortium for the project´s research, dissemination, and communication purposes
I understand that once I have taken part in the Event, I can't withdraw consent for the video recording. However, after the Event, if I withdraw, any further dissemination of video files containing myself will be redacted, and/or otherwise deleted
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This field is required: I understand that once I have taken part in the Event, I can't withdraw consent for the video recording. However, after the Event, if I withdraw, any further dissemination of video files containing myself will be redacted, and/or otherwise deleted
I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to take the pictures of me during the Event and to process my data submitted for registration. I can withdraw my consent at any time, and UNIVIE and EURICE will delete and/or anonymise my data to protect me
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This field is required: I am permitting UNIVIE and EURICE to take the pictures of me during the Event and to process my data submitted for registration. I can withdraw my consent at any time, and UNIVIE and EURICE will delete and/or anonymise my data to protect me

By registering, you consent to automated data processing in accordance with the privacy policy. You can revoke your consent at any time.