
©: v.l.n.r.: Unviersität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Universität Wien/ Barbara Mair, Unviersität Wien/ Georg Herder


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and Law"! We are exploring the legal...


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and Law"! We are exploring the legal...


May we introduce you to this year´s MC Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court team! They will dealing with the most relevant topics in our society at...


We are looking forward to receiving your application, which should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna...


We are looking forward to receiving your application, which should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna...


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and Law"! We are exploring the legal...


In the final episode of the Porn Series, we explore the legal framework surrounding non-consensual porn through the lens of Revenge Porn.


On 8 October 2020, Christiane Wendehorst, European Reporter of the ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy Project, discussed with international...


We are looking for motivated students with a distinct sense of justice, who are willing to represent the University of Vienna at this prestigious moot...


The GDPR impact conference was held within the framework of TVB-Cloud, an EU-funded research project that aims to develop a cloud-based platform for...


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and Law"! We are exploring the legal...


The ALI-ELI Principles for a Data Economy assist in solving legal problems on the ground, thus complementing OECD Principles and helping SMEs. This...