Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó and a number of (inter)national guests, ranging from experts from different fields, our own team members to our students are invited to give us an insight on how Covid-19 affects us.
This week we will start with the following podcasts:
- 13. May, Wednesday 11.00 am
with Anna-Bettina Kaiser and Alexander Somek about "Von Souveränität, Legitimität und Rechtsstaatlichkeit im Ausnahmezustand" (live-stream)
- 14. May, Thursday 6.00 pm
with Thomas Jäger, Viktor Kreuschitz and Maria Berger about "Wo bleibt Europa(recht)?" (live-stream)
- 18. May, Monday 11.00 am
with Christian Burger (Der Standard), Ingrid Brodnig, Benedikt Kommenda (Die Presse), Florian Klenk (Falter) about "Was ist wahr, was ist Meinung? Mediale Berichterstattung über (komplexe) Rechtsfragen" (live-stream) - 19. May, Tuesday 04.30 pm
with Elisabeth Brameshuber about "Eine arbeitsrechtliche Bewertung der bisherigen COVID-19-Maßnahmen" (live-stream) - 25. May, Monday 11.00 am
with Catherine Altobelli (Italy), Tima O. Anwana (South Africa), Doruntina Berisha (Kosovo), Jonas Botta (Germany) Emily Johnson (United Kingdom), Antoni Napieralski (Poland), Katerina Polychronopoulos (USA), Mariana A. Rissetto (Argentina), Ziga Scorjanc (Slowenia) about "Country reports: wrap up, summary and lessons learned." (live-stream) - 26. May, Tuesday 09.30 am
with Gabor Polyak about "Legal implications of Covid-19 in Hungary" (live-stream)
- 27. May, Wednesday 05.00 pm
with Hans-Peter Haferkamp and Franz-Stefan Meissel about "Juristenausbildung in der DDR" (live-stream) - 04. June, Thursday 06.30 pm
with Christoph Grabenwarter "Spezialausgabe: Inteview mit dem Präsidenten des Verfassungsgerichtshofs und Univ.-Prof. DDr. Christoph Grabenwarter" (live-stream)
- 09. June, Tuesday 11.00 am
with Matthias Ebneter about "Legal implications of Covid-19 in Switzerland" (live-stream) - 22. June, Monday 04.30 pm
with Rudolf Anschober about "Covid-19 und das Recht: die Sicht des Gesundheits- und Sozialministers" (live-stream)
We are streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app. Subscribe our Youtube-Channel and follow us on spotify and soundcloud and iTunes to be up to date!
Stay tuned!