Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó and a number of (inter)national guests, ranging from experts from different fields, our own team members to our students are invited to give us an insight on how Covid-19 affects us.
This month we will start with the following podcast sessions:
- 29. June, Tuesday 06.30pm
with Kristin Eichhorn, Klaus Kastberger and Katja Mayer about "Covid-19 und die (Rechts-)lage für befristet beschäftigtes Uni-Personal" (live-stream) - 30. June, Wednesday 04.00pm
with Jakob-Moritz Eberl about "Desinformation in Zeiten der Corona-Krise" (live-stream) - 01. July, Thursday 10.00 am
with Rowdget John Young about "Studying law in Asia during the pandemic: The perspective of ALSA" (live-stream) - 02. July, Friday 09.00 am
with Karl Stöger about "Update Juli 2021: 2.te COVID-19-Öffnungsverordnung" (live-stream) - 05. July, Monday 05.30 pm
with Paul Nemitz (European Commission) und Matthias Pfeffer about ""Prinzip Mensch" - KI und Covid19" (live-stream) - 08. July, Thursday 11.00 am
with Magdalena Pichler and Andrea Poschmaier about "Coronaleugnung in Österreich. Eine Übersicht" (live-stream) - 09. July, Friday 11.00 am
with Karoline Preisler, Michael Stingl and Victoria Reith about "Update: Long Covid Folgen und Erkenntnisse der Rechtspolitik" (live-stream) - 12. July, Monday 01.00 pm
with Cornelia Wesenauer about "Auswirkungen von Corona auf das Insolvenzrecht" (live-stream) - 16. July, Friday 03.00 pm
with Andy Kaltenbrunner about "Die Pandemie und die Inserate der Bundesregierung: eine Analyse" (live-stream) - 19. July, Monday 09.00 am
with Karl Stöger about "Wie ist die aktuelle Covid-19 Rechtslage?" (live-stream) - 20. July, Tuesday 07.00 pm
with Amb. Emmanuel E. Nwobodo about "Studying law in Africa during the pandemic: The perspective of ALSA" (live-stream) - 02. August, Monday 02.00 pm
with Sabine Kirchmayr-Schliesselberger about "Alles rund um die COVID-19-Finanzierungsagentur des Bundes (COFAG)" (live-stream)
- 04. August, Wednesday 04.00 pm
with Ulrich Elling about "Covid-19: Ein molekularbiologischer Zwischenstand" (live-stream) - 10. August, Tuesday 04.00 pm
with Rotraud A. Perner about "Mit Recht und Seele in Zeiten von Covid19" (live-stream) - 12. August, Thursday 02.00 pm
with Manfred Matzka about "Eine verfassungsrechtliche Analyse der österreichischen Pandemiebekämpfung" (live-stream)
We are streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app. Subscribe our Youtube-Channel and follow us on spotify and anchor and iTunes to be up to date!
Stay tuned!