Podcast Ars Boni - programme #19


The Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in Law has launched our new podcast "Ars Boni: Corona and Law"! We are exploring the legal implications of the corona crisis with different national and international guests. We are streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó and a number of (inter)national guests, ranging from experts from different fields, our own team members to our students are invited to give us an insight on how Covid-19 affects us.

This month we will start with the following podcast sessions:

  • 29. June, Tuesday 06.30pm
    with Kristin Eichhorn, Klaus Kastberger and Katja Mayer about "Covid-19 und die (Rechts-)lage für befristet beschäftigtes Uni-Personal" (live-stream)

  • 30. June, Wednesday 04.00pm
    with Jakob-Moritz Eberl about "Desinformation in Zeiten der Corona-Krise" (live-stream)

  • 01. July, Thursday 10.00 am
    with Rowdget John Young about "Studying law in Asia during the pandemic: The perspective of ALSA" (live-stream)

  • 02. July, Friday 09.00 am
    with Karl Stöger about "Update Juli 2021: 2.te COVID-19-Öffnungsverordnung" (live-stream)

  • 05. July, Monday 05.30 pm
    with Paul Nemitz (European Commission) und Matthias Pfeffer about ""Prinzip Mensch" - KI und Covid19" (live-stream)

  • 08. July, Thursday 11.00 am
    with Magdalena Pichler and Andrea Poschmaier about "Coronaleugnung in Österreich. Eine Übersicht" (live-stream)

  • 09. July, Friday 11.00 am
    with Karoline Preisler, Michael Stingl and Victoria Reith about "Update: Long Covid Folgen und Erkenntnisse der Rechtspolitik" (live-stream)

  • 12. July, Monday 01.00 pm
    with Cornelia Wesenauer about "Auswirkungen von Corona auf das Insolvenzrecht" (live-stream)

  • 16. July, Friday 03.00 pm
    with Andy Kaltenbrunner about "Die Pandemie und die Inserate der Bundesregierung: eine Analyse" (live-stream)

  • 19. July, Monday 09.00 am
    with Karl Stöger about "Wie ist die aktuelle Covid-19 Rechtslage?" (live-stream)

  • 20. July, Tuesday 07.00 pm
    with Amb. Emmanuel E. Nwobodo about "Studying law in Africa during the pandemic: The perspective of ALSA" (live-stream)

  • 02. August, Monday 02.00 pm
    with Sabine Kirchmayr-Schliesselberger about "Alles rund um die COVID-19-Finanzierungsagentur des Bundes (COFAG)" (live-stream)
  • 04. August, Wednesday 04.00 pm
    with Ulrich Elling about "Covid-19: Ein molekularbiologischer Zwischenstand" (live-stream)

  • 10. August, Tuesday 04.00 pm
    with Rotraud A. Perner about "Mit Recht und Seele in Zeiten von Covid19" (live-stream)

  • 12. August, Thursday 02.00 pm
    with Manfred Matzka about "Eine verfassungsrechtliche Analyse der österreichischen Pandemiebekämpfung" (live-stream)


We are streaming live on Youtube and in your podcast app. Subscribe our Youtube-Channel and follow us on spotify and anchor and iTunes to be up to date!

Stay tuned!