'Humans as a Service - book presentation und panel discussion on 23 March 2018

23.03.2018 18:00 - 21:00

We like to invite you to the book presentation of 'Humans as a service' by Jeremias Prassl and a subsequent panel discussion.

The crowdsourcing of work - the 'gig economy' - has been hailed as a 'sharing' revolution, enabling 'micro-entrepreneurs' to enjoy greater autonomy and flexibility in taking on 'gigs', 'rides', or 'tasks', while customers benefit from the ease, convenience, and affordability of 'work on demand'. Is this the future of work? What are the benefits and challenges of crowdsourced work? Is the gig economy fundamentally different to existing models of work and should it be kept outside the scope of employment law, as many platforms claim?

In the recently published book 'Humans as a Service', Prof. Jeremias Prassl (Magdalen College, University of Oxford) explores the opportunities and risks of the digital workplace and develops a model of a fair and innovative platform economy.

Afterwards a panel discussion will take place with the following panelists:






Sem 20, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna