Christiane Wendehorst as a speaker at the 9th Münster Colloquium


On January 9 and 10, the 9th Münster Colloquium on "EU Law and the Digital Economy", with a special focus on AI-Contracting took place. On January 10, Christiane Wendehorst gave a presentation titled "When Things Go Wrong – Dealing with Unexpected Outcomes in Automated Contracting."

The Münster Colloquia address the challenges EU law faces because of the transition to the digital economy. They bring together renowned legal experts from academia, practice, politics, and stakeholder organizations to discuss key issues of EU digital law, including topics such as artificial intelligence.

The ‘Principles for AI in Contracting’, which were developed by Christiane Wendehorst and discussed as part of the Colloquium are a comprehensive set of proposed legal principles to guide the application of existing law and the development of new law in relation to automated contracting. Institutions such as UNCITRAL have drawn significantly on the work of Professor Wendehorst. A current version can be found here: mlac_en.pdf

© Oliver Werner