This happened in May 2024 – First Press Release


UNIVIE is proud to participate in the project, a cutting-edge Austrian funded project focused on building on a – “visible, essential and driving part of the European research infrastructure environment” – (Statement in the evaluation report by the international evaluation board and BMBWF).

The Project brings together a diverse consortium of seven partners from to build on and continue the development of a highly collaborative biobanking community by engaging with all Medical Universities in Austria.

May was an active month for the Project as well as for UNIVIE. UNIVIE has recently hosted the 56th Consortium meeting in Vienna from the 13th  to 14th  May 2024. It brought together all partners and extended upon two days of fruitful discussion on updates on Project progress and WP and biobank flash reports.

Additionally the participation of UNIVIE in the Europe Biobank Week, which took place in Vienna from 14th to 17th May has brought many insights on particular the EDHS and its implications for biobanks, in particular transfer of health data. Moreover, the project and UNIVIE’s involvement was presented.