New partnership with CMC


We are happy to announce a partnership with the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC).

Under the direction of Univ.-Prof. DDr. Matthias Karmasin, the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies (CMC) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt investigates the connection between media change and the changing forms of political communication and public opinion formation, as well as the accompanying consequences for action and responsibility.

Media and communication research is one of the key disciplines of the modern media and information society. On the one hand, with the increasing dynamism and complexity of the political and social environment, the opportunity for individual primary experience is diminishing, as a result of which the importance of mediated experience is increasing. On the other hand, the growing diversity of media and new communication technologies are leading to new ways of dealing with content channelled through the media. In consequence, not only the conditions of media production, but also the processes of public opinion formation as one of the fundamental pillars of a democratic community are changing. These changes are taking place amidst an equally constantly changing legal framework that governs and assigns information power. The reciprocal impact, parallels as well as distortions between media reality and its legal representation offer a promising field of interdisciplinary research.

Against this background, the partnership promises to facilitate mutually complementary research activities concerning manifold aspects of the modern information society and a shared view that is more complete than the sum of its parts.