Publications Mag.a Marie-Catherine Wagner
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8
Barud K, Anwana TO, Wagner M-C, Cepic M, Johnson E, Königseder M. Consent and Retrospective Data Collection. In Corrales Compagnucci M, Minssen T, Fenwick M, Aboy M, Liddell K, editors, The Law and Ethics of Data Sharing in Health Sciences: Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. . 2023. p. 99-125. (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation). doi:
Faymann L (Author), Anwana TO (Author), Barud K (Author), Wagner M-C (Author), Polychronopoulos E (Author). Digital health innovations — Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations 2023.
Barud K, Wagner M-C, Forgó N. Active Informed Consent to Boost the Application of Machine Learning in Medicine. 2022 Sep 27. doi:
Forgó N, Wagner M-C. The Principle of Transparency in Medical Research: Applying Big Data Analytics to Electronic Health Records. In AI in eHealth: Human Autonomy, Data Governance and Privacy in Healthcare. Cambridge University Press. 2022. p. 209-250. (Cambridge bioethics and law).
Barud K (Interviewee), Wagner M-C (Editorial Journalist). Ars Aequi: Series 06 - Episode 05 - KATY Online: Universität Wien. 2021.
Piska C, Wagner M-C. Zukunftstechnologie Blockchain und wie man den Stolperstein DSGVO vermeiden kann. Zeitschrift für Energie- und Technikrecht. 2018.
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8